
We are committed to helping God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit to bring the lost to a place in their heart where they are at one with God. This is the primary purpose of everyone who professes God’s salvation. All things we do as people of God should have this goal in mind no matter what way God uses you. This has nothing to do with building the church or increasing a gathering of people with the same ideology, or even a group of people on this earth for God’s glory. This has everything to do with where people will spend eternity.

If you do not know God or Jesus in a personal way, down in your soul, working and changing you into the image of Christ, you are not only going to miss out on heaven, the greatest adventure that mankind can ever know, but you are missing out on what true life is and the greatest experience a soul can have on this earth. You may believe that the world holds many attractions, but they are all superficial and leave all with an unsatisfied feeling. A feeling that your soul has been exposed to dirt and filth. What God brings to us is good, pure and holy. The world God created teaches many things that point to God and one of them is that if you want something real and of value, you have to work for it. If it floats into your life and you gave nothing for it, it will be of no value to you. All the great things in life, children, relationships, love, peace, joy, are things that you have to focus your resources on. Your resources such as time, your attention, giving up superficial things that the important things might be brought to light. You know this through your everyday life. You want a good life you have to have a good education. You want a family you have to be good husband or wife or child or parent to your family and give yourself to them in ways that take away from you and your bad desires. Every good thing comes with a cost. This is not some philosophy or theory. This is real life, and it is life that God set up.

God’s gift of eternal life is free in that you could never do enough to pay for it or deserve it. In this it is free and freely given by Jesus. It does cost you your life but the life you give up is one that you have perverted for horrible desires and will have horrible consequences. It might seem that you have created a good, moral life that shows you are a good person, but if you put it in perspective, you are only following what God has set in His creation. God created morality, the good moral laws that you use to create the impression that you are a good person. You are mimicking what God has given to mankind and have the arrogance to think that it is intrinsic to you, it is a part of you. Your arrogance makes you think it proves that you are good, not that the moral law is good which you have borrowed. There will come a dividing line in your future where if you are not at one with the Creator of all good, then all these things that you use so freely will not be available to you. You will be lost in chaos and decay. Your image of being good is only because God has influenced His whole creation and we can benefit from His presence. God wants a relationship with Him that we both benefit from, a symbiotic relationship. If we are using God’s presence for our needs and give nothing back, we essentially become a leach or parasite. You might say that I thought God is love and gives of Himself without any thought of return. God is love. Think of our lesser love we have for our children. If you had a child which used every thing that you and others have and gave nothing back, would you feel successful in raising that child? Would you feel like you have accomplished a good thing seeing the child’s selfishness? Would you think that you have added a good thing to society? Neither would God. Do not expect more from God than you would from yourself. This is hypocritical.

God is love. This love God gives freely but we must take it into our souls, not just mimic. This is what Jesus brought to us is an understanding of how deep a love God has and a way to receive that love that we may be made into the image of Christ. That we might become love as God is love and not just mimic love. If we are to become one with God, our love must be a Godly love and be a state of being and not just how we act. Our soul needs to be repentant of the life we lived that showed no respect to God and continually took without giving back. We must turn from this horrible, self-centered spirit to God’s Holy Spirit. Instead of just trying to do good, we are now trying to become good, that is, to become one with God. Of the same mind, of the same Spirit, letting God guide us to what He would have us to be instead of being what our perverted desires would lead us to be.

If God is dealing with your heart, please find a place to kneel down and ask God forgiveness for not being the child, the wonderful creature, He so wanted you to be. Ask Jesus to forgive you and come into your heart and offer up your life to Him that He may change it and point it toward all that is good. Jesus lived that God may truly know what it is to be human and be at one with us. Jesus died that He may show not only that God is love, but how much love He has for us and because of this we can have full faith in God. Jesus rose from the grave that we might know that nothing, not even death, can keep Him from making us in the image of Christ. Find a place to be alone with God and give your heart to Him.

I hope you have a wonderful life in Christ.